2nd Eutopia More Workshop: Project Application Design
At the workshop, representatives of the University of Mostar, University of Rijeka, Babeș-Bolyai University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and University of Ljubljana presented and shared practices related to applying for the EU projects, informing about tenders, training of researchers, assistance from university services in preparing project applications, procedures for appealing against rejection of projects, assistance to researchers […]
3rd Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans
The University of Mostar hosted the 3rd Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and the Western Balkans from February 7 to 8, 2019, with the participation of 30 universities from the Western Balkans region. Photo: University of Mostar At the forum, the rectors signed an Academic Inter-Institutional Cooperation Agreement aimed at strengthening international cooperation, particularly in […]